Truly Local, Community Focused Cleaning Service In Woonsocket.

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Sit back and relax as our staff takes care of your cleaning needs.

What Makes Us

Ribbon Maids has served Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts since its founding by Woonsocket residents Connor and Alex Daitch in 2016. We are locally owned and operated, and our dedication to giving back to our community does not end with our value-based pricing or 100% satisfaction guarantee. By choosing Ribbon Maids, you are choosing a small, local, family-owned and operated business, and we truly appreciate that.

What Makes Us

Ribbon Maids has served Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts since its founding by Woonsocket residents Connor and Alex Daitch in 2016. We are locally owned and operated, and our dedication to giving back to our community does not end with our value-based pricing or 100% satisfaction guarantee. By choosing Ribbon Maids, you are choosing a small, local, family-owned and operated business, and we truly appreciate that.

company quality
The safety of you and our employees is paramount. Nothing else matters more to us.
company quality
Competitive Pricing
We strive to offer our customers with competitive pricing and industry leading value.
company quality
We pride ourselves on treating our customers in the way that we'd like to be treated.
company quality
Background Checks
Each of our employees has undergone a background check to ensure that they are a good fit for our organization.
company quality
If you make an appointment with us, we'll be sure to keep it.
company quality
We are committed to delivering services that are performed on time and with a high attention to detail.

Our Dedication To Quality, and The 100% Guarantee

You may have dealt with other home cleaning services before, but Ribbon Maids house cleaners are a bit different. Connor and Alex are passionate about quality and they take pride in creating beautiful spaces. In our ongoing effort to improve ourselves and our services, we'll seek feedback from you and incorporate it into our work.

At Ribbon Maids, our customers are our focus. You are the lifeblood of our community, and drive everything we do. We hire the type of people that we want our customers to interact with, we select only the cleaning products that our customers would use themselves, we develop our services to provide real value to our customers, and we develop our policies to ensure our customers' satisfaction.

If you're not 100% satisfied with the services that we've provided, we'll do two things. We'll come back to your home and make things right and we'll make a commitment to you that you won't experience the same issue ever again. If that isn't enough, we will refund your cleaning in full. 


Going Green

Ribbon Maids is proud to be an advocate of products that are safe for families and made in an environmentally sustainable manner. All of the cleaning products that we use are eco-friendly and contain no harsh chemicals. Our commitment to environmental sustainability is not only limited to the products that we use. As we clean your property, we will recycle material that is fit to be recycled. While these efforts take us time and money, we feel that it is a worthwhile investment in your family and our planet.

What Customers Say

I have five kids who love to make a mess. When I opened my own business I didn't have time to keep up. We looked everywhere for a small local company that cared. Ribbon Maids was close to the lowest cost option, and the work is excellent. I cannot recommend them enough.
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
After a close friend recommended Connor to me, I had him come out to clean a new apartment I had just moved into. It was a mess, and my landlord would not send cleaners. We had a terrible musty smell, and he recommended a drain cleaner. It may seem like a small detail, but it made a HUGE difference. He knows his stuff, and it shows.
Worcester, Massachusetts
When I first hired Ribbon Maids, they came out on very short notice. They moved quickly but did a fantastic job. Now Connor is like family, and we could never replace him! He saves us so much time.
Norton, Massachusetts

Service Areas

Ribbon Maids is proud to serve the following communities:
East Providence
North Providence
Central Falls
North Smithfield
West Greenwich
West Warwick
West Warwick
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